empathy meets expertise
Intensive Therapy for Childhood Trauma
Trauma may be an overused word these days but here’s what I know for sure: unresolved stressful experiences from childhood impact our development and our capacity for healthy relationships in adulthood.
Adverse experiences in childhood impact development
Your childhood doesn’t have to fit the definition of “traumatic” to have had an impact on you. We learn how to be in relationship within our family of origin. If a family had dysfunctional relational patterns, children learned to adapt to them.
A parent with mental health issues that limited their ability to be there for you.
A family system organized around addiction.
Being highly sensitive and attuned to relational dynamics in the home.
A legacy of trauma passed down intergenerationally.
Maybe you experienced
Which may have resulted in
You find it challenging to set and maintain healthy boundaries, often leading to resentment or feeling overwhelmed by others' demands.
Despite being surrounded by people, you still feel lonely and isolated, as though no one truly understands what you're going through.
You struggle to connect with your emotions or express them authentically, feeling numb or detached even when situations call for an emotional response.
You often doubt your own decisions and find it challenging to fully trust others, leading to a lack of close, supportive relationships.
You notice that the same negative patterns repeat in your relationships, such as people-pleasing, difficulty trusting others, or withdrawing emotionally.
You consistently put others’ needs ahead of your own, which leaves you feeling emotionally drained and disconnected from your own desires and identity.
You carry feelings of unworthiness or inadequacy that hold you back from embracing new opportunities or asserting your needs.
You often feel anger, but it doesn’t seem to make sense, or you feel guilt about things that happened in childhood—resulting in internal conflict and a lack of peace.
You have a desire for close relationships, but fear and discomfort around vulnerability make it difficult to open up fully to others.
You've spent years in therapy, but it feels like you are still struggling with the same issues, unable to move forward.
stressful childhood experiences cONTRIBUTE to:
Health problems
Internal critical narrative
Relationship issues
In our sessions we will explore…
How childhood experiences impacted your development
What you internalized about your worth and value
Negative beliefs that hold you back today personally and professionally
Present day relational situations that are re-enactments of childhood experiences
Let’s get started.
My foundational framework
I support clients in attuning to younger parts of self who had needs that were not met.
I encourage a healthy curiosity about how your childhood impacted your adulthood.
Reflecting on childhood with sensitivity and compassion helps to facilitate internal healing.
I honor that it is your journey and not mine. We collaborate toward growth and healing.
You’re worth the investment.
Initial Intake Assessment
90 minute intake assessment required for clients who are new to me.
Telehealth only.
In-Person Intensive Session
3 hours
Post Intensive Follow-Up
Telehealth Only.
Between 30 and 60 minutes
30 minutes: $100
45 minutes: $150
60 minutes: $200