Therapy for women who experienced loss in childhood
Process Unresolved Grief
Did you?
Experience the untimely loss of a parent, caregiver, or sibling in childhood?
Maybe your family did the best they could, but you were left alone to make sense of what happened.
loss in childhood can have a lasting impact
Symptoms in adulthood can include depression, anxiety, panic, guilt, shame, fear of abandonment or difficulty connecting in relationships.
You may have been left alone to understand the experiences associated with grief like the waves of anger, denial, or sadness.
Maybe your loved one was rarely spoken of again for fear of upsetting you which meant birthdays, anniversaries, and holidays were never acknowledged.
You learned how to adapt to this new situation. Maybe you took on the role of caregiver, retreated into an internal world, focused on being perfect or acted out the rage and anger at home or school.
How I can help
An EMDR and Parts Work Intensive can support the grieving process.
If your caregivers were also grieving, they may not have had the internal resources necessary to support you in your grief. Children need help to understand their internal experiences. If you did not receive guidance during those emotionally turbulent times, it very likely impacted your development.
We explore the impact of the loss on you and your family and process the associated grief always holding compassion for everyone involved who were doing the best they could.
Here’s what we’ll do together
Process Grief.
An EMDR Intensive can help process the grief so you are more connected to the positive experiences shared with your loved one.
We will begin by exploring the impact of the loss on you and on the other members of your family. We identify the strategies your younger self developed to manage the grief. We identify moments from that time in your life to target with EMDR and parts work.
The process of working with loss is painful but that is why EMDR Intensive Therapy may be the best fit for this type of grief. We work with it at a pace that is tolerable, and we have plenty of time during a 3 hour session to unpack it, process a piece and repack it so you can continue in your life.
What we’ll work on
You’ll walk away with —
Gain a deeper understanding of the emotional impact of the loss and how it has shaped your life.
Process and release unexpressed grief that may be contributing to anxiety or depression.
Reduce feelings of guilt, shame, or regret related to the loss.
Experience a sense of emotional release as you work through your grief.
Ready to learn more?
Schedule a Free Consultation
You’re worth the investment.
Initial Intake Assessment
90 minute intake assessment required for clients who are new to me.
Telehealth only.
In-Person Intensive Session
3 hours
Post Intensive Follow-Up
Telehealth Only.
Between 30 and 60 minutes
30 minutes: $100
45 minutes: $150
60 minutes: $200